Talk in cooperation with wnet and the Alliance for Families


1st of June  2024, from 10 a.m.


Event for the exhibition WOMENfortress


Identity and care in everyday life are the themes of the event on 1 June as part of the 2nd edition of the WOMENfortress exhibition.

After an introduction by the curator Esther Erlacher and a joint tour of the exhibition with the participating artists Rina Treml and Samira Mosca, a round table discussion will take place in the Pulvermagazin with the two artists, the two representatives of wnet Sylvia Lehnig and Katia Endrizzi as well as Katrin Gruber for BASIS Vinschgau Venosta. What defines female identity? Which typical role clichés do women still fulfil or are ascribed to them? The participants will address these and other questions. Ingrid Kapeller from Forum Prävention will lead the discussion.

The discussion will conclude with drinks and snacks.